My Future Beckons..
I was reading Obie today.. I thought my blog was good. ooff. Good luck with that Obie.. I am sure I will be joining you some day.
Watch Waffles life after the Ex, will he die of masturbation, some crazy date, or alcohol poisoning with the marines
I was reading Obie today.. I thought my blog was good. ooff. Good luck with that Obie.. I am sure I will be joining you some day.
3:34 PM
heheheheh - that was great baby. Thanks for linking him. I'm hooked on all soap operas. Love the drama.
3:38 PM
I realize that you and your crew have an aversion to being entertained by other people's personal misery, but that kind of thing makes my stomach turn.
5:24 PM
Sick people thriving on his misery. Damn all of you!
Now he probably won't post any more of that stuff.
7:05 AM
That's good stuff.
8:32 AM
It is probably all a big hoax. You know people lie on their blogs about everything!! It's fucking crazy!!
9:43 AM
Obie's blog rocks.
1st axiom of blogs - the messier the life, the more entertaining the read.
Chalk another one up on ye olde blogroll, good buddy.
11:48 AM
Not fake. She really is that vulgar and low class to post personal bickering on a public (albeit it somewhat obscure) web blog. The misery ended August 29th when the divorce was final. A divorce she initiated BTW. Now I have moved on, and am happy,( and she does not want to give up her rein of control on me. Cost me $150,000 to get out, but you know why divorce is so expensive....because it's worth it.
6:47 AM
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