Monday, December 10, 2007

Vegas Trip Report

Vegas was a total blast.. I am sitting here tired out of my mind having landed at 6AM and headed straight to work. I may have been able to get more sleep on the plane except I was next to a fucktard(tm)* who when he was not bumping me was spilling an entire cup of water on the guy next to me. Actually as I look back that was really fucking funny.. he puts the whole thing in this guys lap and the guy screams like a girl and wakes up half the fucking plane.

In the past I have written EPIC trip reports but I think this one will be a quick rundown of who I met and my thoughts about them. I really managed to relax and hang out this time. While I had one of the best times ever nothing seems EPIC post worthy for my readers.

AlCantHang - Had a GREAT time with one of the best guys you could ever know. I hooked up with him hard on Saturday night (at least hard for a lightweight like me) and downed a few beverages eventually passing out at the bar and being asked to leave although I do not remember that part. He also protected me from the Evil Falstaff by quoting the "Drunk Rules". Thank man I owe you!

Iggy - Finally got to spend some time with this creature. My flight landed in Vegas around 1AM. There were very few bloggers left at that time but I could count on Iggy. We later went down and hit the IP.. One word of caution: when he says he wants to take a taxi you probably should let him. We played Seinfeld looking for Veneno's car and the little guys bladder almost exploded. He pointed out some hookers to me including the Pimp Daddy's woman although Dr. Pauly's brother Derek wins the prize for best hooker spotter ever. Even if he was cheering against my Patriots this weekend I still love this little guy.

Dr. Pauly - Always like hanging with the Doctor and got a little bit of time at the sports bar with the man. Always a top notch guy. It is great for us D-Listers to have these A-Lister kind of guys give us the time of day. Thank you for your kindness. He always has the lovely and charming Change100 by his side which is just an added bonus!

MiamiDon - Honestly Don makes these trips very easy decisions. He opens up his house for me to stay at and makes the whole deal pretty cheap. Thank man! Your the best.

JJ - The Jack Are Ok Motherfucker from Texas. I love this guy. He was one of the few people who was pretty much exactly how I pictured him. He is a stand up guy and I had a great time hanging with him.

Buddy Doosh - Ok Doosh.. you better screen capture this one because it is NEVER going to happen again. Buddy was one of the biggest surprises of the trip to me. I really thought I was not going to like him. He is a lot cooler in person. I spent most of Sunday ragging on him while we watched the Steelers vs the Patriots in the "guaranteed" game. He was all decked out in his Steeler black and gold with some ratty towel he has never washed since the Super Bowl. Great guy though. Had a lot of fun talking with him and giving some good natured ribbing.

Veneno - Iggy guilted Veneno into making the trip down to Vegas. She hung out with us throughout a lot of the night and drove back in the morning. It was great to see her again!!!

CK (BWOP) - One blogger said to me "Does she ever shut up?".. I laughed but her overabundance of enthusiasm and bounciness really won me over. She was a lot taller than I thought she would be and sexy as hell. Her friend N is super hot also!!!!!! I even did a shot of tequila for her since F-Train wimped out. I doubt I could resist anything she asked of me. She did promise to take me to the strip club but reneged on her deal more due to scheduling issues than lack of desire. So Waffles still has never been to a strip club in Vegas. Probably for the best anyways as I am not sure my ancient old body could take that much stimulation.

The Wife - Another hot addition to the blogger crew. Fuck Dr. Chako I can see why you want to get home so fast! She is a smokkin' hot woman and very funny and nice. It was a pleasure to meet you. I think the great Samba Pantie bet either went Black or Double Zero, AKA Bare Back.. but I am not sure which.

Love Elf - I got smashed with Love Elf while hanging out with Al. She is one of my favorite bloggers. Such a caring and sweet person and she is hot too.. WOW! It must be true opposites attract! Great catch Smokkee and congrats on your wedding! You guys are great together.

Trauma Poker - As often happens in these blogger get togethers I never have enough time to spend with everyone. I got to hang with Trauma a bit on Friday night and a little at the tourney. Great guy! He even brought me a Waffle House shirt with "Table for Waffles" on the back. Thank man! He was one of the guys I really wanted to meet.

Katitude - Love me a dirty CILF teacher. Nuff said! I finally got to meet the man who "taimed" the kitty. Nice guy. Kat and I need to win a trip to the Aussie Millions now so we can hang with Jewels!!!?!?!!!

Poker Peaker - I thought he was going to be taller too. He was a cool guy to talk to. I really liked him even if he did go jogging at 8AM in the morning. Freaking probably eats bran muffins too.

CarmenSinCity - I totally had like zero time with my girl this weekend. She did take me home from the Bar Saturday night after I fell asleep. I think I was 7-8 beers in before she came to hang out though. Oh well at least I got the requisite Love Elf - Waffles - Carmen picture. Next time you better clear your schedule woman!

ScottyMc - Played some poker with this guy FINALLY after many years of hitting the virtual felt. We ended up hanging out at the sports book (sorry man!) and playing some poker at the IP! He even gave me some good pointers as we were playing. I had a great time finally hanging out with my boy Scotty. My final bad beat happened at his table too.. I had left for my flight and apparently someone hit the bad beat jackpot!! ARG! Congrats man!

CrackJax and TripWife - TripWife is smokkin' hot and very very nice. She spared my balls the kicking they probably deserved. Here hair was not very frizzy when I met her. She must have straightened it for me. Thank you baby! heh. Great to meet both of you.

Instant Tragedy - Totally could not wait to meet him. Awesome guy. Had a lot of fun at the sports book with him. He made some nice parlay bets that came through. Good stuff! Next time I will just copy his ticket. Oh no, that will be worse than the BuddyDoosh curse!!!!

Karol - Every year the list of nice looking blogger chicks keeps growing and Carol did not disappoint. Very nice looking woman!

Falstaff - He is looking really good. You can tell he has lost a ton of weight. His planning of the event this year was superb and even if he tried to put lipstick on me (and who knows where THAT would have lead) it was great to see him again.

LJ - Raisey Daisey was flitting around a lot. I did not get to spend a lot of time with her but I caught her a little the first night and some at the IP. She was playing tourneys like they were closing them down forever. heh. I also hear she got stacked at cash when she jammed J9 (the Lana) into someones Aces.. ok I made that one up. It was good to see you!

Bayne - Got to hang out a bit at the IP with Bayne. Apparently he is everyones nemesis. Fun guy and enjoyable to hang out with.

High On Poker - I was looking forward to meeting this fucker and really only got like two minutes with him. Next time man.

Texas April - Yet another person I did not have enough time to spend with. Oh well. Next time maybe!!!

I had a really great time all weekend even if I spent the entire time in a state of frustrated arousal from all of the hot chicks coming up to me. Probably should have just hit the bathroom and spanked one out. Would have kept my panties drier. We all know I love attention though!

I also got to play some poker with SpecialK, Rooster, F-Train, and many others. I was on the same flight back as Byron also. He is another guy who seems much cooler in person. I had a good time chatting with him while we were waiting for our flight. If I forgot to mention you too bad. I am old and my memory is faulty. Sorry. I met plenty of other bloggers this weekend and ran into some old favorites like CC and Linda.. the homeless man Mr. Subliminal.. Weak player.. Fuel.. BamBam and Pebbles .. it could go on and on and on..

These get togethers are a ton of fun. If you have never been to one your really missing something. Do not feel even the least bit intimidated to go and meet 120 strangers.. I have been amazed at how cool each and every one of them has been. Well worth the trip.

My sports betting luck continued as usual. I missed my 5-card parlay by one bet. I had the under on the Lions-Dallas game. The fucking thing kept almost screwing me all through the fourth quarter but that would not be painful enough.. so my luck caused Dallas to fumble on the 1 yard line and the lions to get the ball. So the game could continue on until Dallas was down to 22-seconds left.. and they punch a TD in to ruin my under by 4 points. See you later $550 for the second year in a row. At least it is fun though.

Crap I think I covered most everything I wanted to in one uber post. The people who are part of these blogs are what makes this hobby worthwhile and it is great to put faces to different people. Until later.

* fucktards is trademarked by all McGrupp Inc, LLP all rights reserved.


Blogger Unknown said...

You were a very cool person as well! I was shocked (not really). I'd hang with you anytime. And I thought you'd be shorter.

3:05 PM

Blogger BamBam said...


It was my pleasure Sir. Can't wait to do it again. I truly look forward to it.

3:44 PM

Blogger Jackie Lynn said...

You give the best hugs! Good to see you too!

4:33 PM

Blogger The NL Wife said...

Pink. Black on Sunday. And thanks for the plug. You gave lots of hugs (those were the husband-approved kind) and I got a smile - I'm happy.

You're way more evil and rude on the blog!


5:22 PM

Blogger Jules said...


Wish I was there to rub your nogging dahling...

I see the Wife saw your better behaved are as evil and rude as you are on your blog :)

7:37 PM

Blogger BWoP said...


It was great to finally meet you in person.

Next year, definitely going to the strip club!

I will try to bring N too.

10:29 PM

Blogger lj said...

my motto for the june gathering is less flitting, more waffles. great to see you!!!

11:44 PM

Blogger CarmenSinCity said...

Hi sweetie,

I miss you already!!!!!
Come back soon!

Hey - you forgot to mention that I made you pizza. I don't cook for ANYONE, so you should feel very honored dammit :)

9:01 AM

Blogger katitude said...

CILF? Good grief.

Babes, it was great to see you again - you rawk!

10:26 AM

Blogger SirFWALGMan said...

CILF = Canadians Id Like to Fuck.

11:40 AM

Blogger Schaubs said...


It was great meeting you Waffles, hopefully next time we can sit down for a beer and chat a bit more.

11:53 AM

Blogger BamBam said...


Am I glad you left me off the CILF list !

Whew !!!

2:39 PM

Blogger Digital Photo Frames said...

I have wanted to go to one of these, but I never have been able to schedule it. It sounds like it was a blast though

5:15 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Everytime I saw you, you seemed either half-asleep or sleeping.

I hope to play some poker with you next time.

10:11 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

It was an honor.

And I guarantee those who won "The Waffles Collectable Coaster" will treasure them FOREVER!

Not too serious, not too crazy... Just like life.

Vaya con dios mi amigo

8:55 AM

Blogger Jordan said...

Hey Woffles. The feeling is mutual. Its a shame we didn't get to spend more time chatting. I think you and I were both a bit distracted by everything going around. Maybe we can meet up at Foxwoods in the late Winter/early Spring.


12:30 PM


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