Friday, October 23, 2009


Some nights are teh fail. I have been looking a lot into how I feel on nights that are not good. I think somedays I just do not have the patience to play MY GAME. I end up getting slightly gambooly or making calls I should not. Perfect example was last night in PLO8 SNG when I had a nice stack and ended up racing it twice before finally being knocked out as a semi shortie by the amazing K3xx where xx is shit. If I had played a little more conservatively then I would have cashed and probably taken first. I finally ended the night just fucking around and jamming various hands in PLO8 cash game. Blew off a buyin and went to bed. I am not sure what makes for an impatient night vs extreme amounts of waiting, stalking, and taking down the prey. I am also not sure that I should not play those nights as long as I keep to my plans of playing within my bankroll.. but recognizing that I am destined to lose on a given night may have some value.


Blogger Jordan said...

How many nights per week are you playing? If you find yourself getting sloppy, maybe you need to cut down. Familiarity breeds laziness.

12:40 PM

Blogger dD said...

link me up mad-man, i've linked you, but if you cant be arsed, no biggie.

i like the rants btw



1:39 PM


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