Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stupid Fuck

Wow. I never liked AJ Benza. I mean he was just the fucking retarded guy next to Mr. Kotter right? At least Kotter knew something about the game that was being played. AJ seemed to always just say the most ridiculous things. So now he is being replaced by some hawt chick. Has to be an upgrade. I loved his idiotic comments he made to his bosses too:

I unashamedly told those two guys that if I dont get my gig back....."your basically putting a man and his family on the street. Is that what you want on your concience?"

We can ignore the spelling that is worse than Waffles but what kind of whiny, snively, snot nosed, pussy fuck goes to his boss and cries "Boo hoo I suck so bad I can never get another job and my kids will now go hungry in our mansion". Jesus Christ. Get a pair of balls you stupid fuck. You give all hairy ass goombas a bad name.

The best part of the whole blog though is the kiss ass pansy comments. Oh AJ we loved you. You were the best. You made Gabe Kapler even funnier. Hello? The guy was Mr. Kotter!!! How the fuck you make Mr. Kotter funnier!!!! Fucking idiots. He probably deleted all the comments that said "Fucking about time! Hot piece of tail has to be better than your bullshit".


Blogger Dawn Summers said...

The guy was Mr. Kotter!!! How the fuck you make Mr. Kotter funnier!!!! Fucking idiots. He probably deleted all the comments that said "Fucking about time!
Um, I'm going to go leave some "about fucking time" comments right the hell now! Homelessness for Benza and his spawn!!! (Wait, what happened to his Rocky 6 money?) Loser!!

10:15 AM

Blogger SirFWALGMan said...

I left a comment:

SirFWALGMan said...

About fucking time a hot piece of tail has to be better than your crap.

1:24 PM


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