Thursday, July 08, 2004

Are we all alike..

It seemed to me, looking through all the Poker Blogs today, that the type's of people writing Poker Blogs are somewhat similar. I counted at least 4 IT people (including myself), MANY MANY evil empire Yankee fans. *grumble* .. like beating Red Sox Fans better .. *grr* Probably my sample size is too small, but it was kind of interesting.

For you IT nerds out there, I was messing with an BHO today in C#. A BHO is a Browser Helper Object. Someone was paying me to design the framework of one for him, so I made one that increases the size of all Image Borders on every page I visit. It is very annoying, but cool also. Go figure. Now if I made all the images replaced by a nude [fill in the blank sexy person] then that would be really nice! Or maybe make everything beer? The sexy thing sounds like a really good joke on the boss if I quit someday. He would NEVER be able to browse again. That would rock! *evil* .. *taking* .. *over* *body* *must* .. *resist*.

Anyway, had a short session this morning. It has been great. My daughter has been waking me up at 6AM, and that gives me a good hour to play. Just pop the bottle in her mouth, and come up in an hour when I need to shower and go to work. Picked up another $20 this morning. I am looking forward to when my $50 finally becomes $500. It has taken about a month, maybe slightly more. After losing $200 while trying to learn the game, it is exciting to be doing well. When I hit $500 I am going to take my $50 out as a reward. Do not want to lower my bankroll by any substantial amount, but would like to see something come out. Anyway, will keep you posted. I think my next thing to try is playing multiple tables. The 1/2$ games all seem profitable, and you do not have to think that much, so why not 2 tables.. then 4.. see how it goes. Hope empire allows this. Oh well.


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