I give up
Poker sucks. I am never going to win anything good. Fuck poker. I started blowing off my bankroll at 2/4 but sorta made a hundred or two so I will try to bust out again tomorrow night. See ya.
Watch Waffles life after the Ex, will he die of masturbation, some crazy date, or alcohol poisoning with the marines
You go up against the donkey handing out chips; I get QQ vs AA. Life is not fair ...
10:57 PM
It warms my heart to finally see an accurate self assessment of your game!
I have to take daughter to orthodontist tomorrow evening, please cash out rather than spew. It would hurt me not to get a piece.
11:03 PM
you tried to spew and ended up dubbling up. wtf do you want?
1:23 AM
Don't spew and don't cash out... donate to the NutzCarson's People that don't play poker very gewd schewl of poker and stuff.
We are now accepting transfers. I found it too difficult to actually win the money. Transfers save a lot of time.
{all money donated will not actually go towards a school, all money will be wasted on blogger events}
5:14 AM
Hey, chin up, Woffles. I'm sure if you really focused, you can lose all of your bankroll in no time.
6:31 AM
Geez -- he's even more freakin' popular than I thought ...
6:33 AM
At this moment, I believe http://tiltwaffles.blogspot.com has done its mission.
Now as a public service:
Dear Waffles,
Please EXCLUDE yourself from playing for at least the next three weeks. Either that or cash out. Don't throw bad money away. At least keep enough to pay Bayne and myself off.
With eternal honor,
your Prop Bet Master
Instant Tragedy
8:10 AM
If you really want to make it exciting, find a 2+2'er that will flip you for your bankroll. Busto or Robusto!
10:27 AM
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