Night Action
I might be playing a little less. The wife is getting on my case. We will see. She says I play too much poker. I think she really does not like to see me happy. The truth is probably somewhere in between.
Anyway.. started a 10/1 tourney nicely tonight. I had AA. Round one. I bet 4BB or $60. Most people fold. I get a nice flop. 10-9-4 rainbow or something. So I try and push the guy next to me out by betting $100. He calls. Q on the turn. Now I am sorta worried on the straight. So I bet $250. Calls. Ends up with a 2 at the river. I put him all in with $450. He calls me!!! He must have put me on AK. He flips 10-J and loses. Now was I too agressive? Probably. But he never raised me. I guess he felt pot committed and thought the 2nd high pair would be a winner? Go figure. So I have doubled up to $1600 in the first round. Going to try and cruise to the money. Make more moves with good cards or at the 4th level.
Got an A8 diamonds. It was raised to me. I call. Flop is a scary 10-10-8. I check. Everyone checks. Next card is a 9d. I check. Second guy checks. Agressive guy bets $175. I call. Second Guy Checks. Last card is a 3s. Now I would have liked a diamond. I am scared. Agressive guy checks. I check. I win with 10's and 8's against AQ. Up to 2K. No need for me to make any moves until the end now.
Ended up in 3rd place. Called KQ against A6 and could not make a card. Called A8 against a pair of 3's and could not get a card then either. Man!
Playing some .50/1 now. May break $150 tonight! May not. We shall see. Good signs. First hand everyone folds to me. I win .75 with 10-5o. I guess I want a table that calls more though. Six people in the next one. We will see.
Lost a few bucks on a flush draw that never made it. Probably a bad bet because of there being only 2 people in. Need to think before I act.
K2s gets 3 callers. Diamond flop. Nobody stays in. This is a WEAK table I think. I think I need to be more aggresive against this table.
Played AQ aggresive. Someone flops a KK and I never improve. Oh well. Cost me $4. Should have known this tight ass had something.
Table has changed over. Hope it is better for me. $8.50 called to the river and everyone folds. I think the table is better. Got screwed on 2 Aces by 3 4's. He played with 4-5 offsuit. This table is getting better.
AJ stood up for a $4 pot. Ace High. Bet a pair of 10's to see what if someone had the Aces. Got called and folded. Played 10-9 for a quarter. Do not really like straight draws for some reason. What do other people think? Anyway, flopped 10-9. Couple of 7;s showed up, but played it anyways. Won a nice sized pot. Up to $26.25.
Played a flush draw. Then became a straight draw. Had pot odds. Missed it. Cost me a few bucks. Got AK now. Raised. Now I have to fold it. Flush flop, as well as some betting on the turn. Nothing paired up. Good fold I think. $22.25. Up and Down. Round and Round. Family guy is making fun of Mr. Peabody. Like it.
This table is definately much better. Just not getting the cards. Yet. Folded 4-2 rag. Nothing to play. 5-2. What a rag! I am the BB. Watch me flop 552. Oops, not getting the chance. It was raised. 8-10-J anyways.
Soooted connectors. 6-7. Nada on the flop. Cya. $21.25.
A6 sooted. I like this one. I feel good about it. 4 to the flush. Have Aces. Aces and Q's. Lost to AK!!! Screw me! $18.25. Aces and Queens with a K kicker. Where is my 4th club damn it! I hate kickers.
8-J diamonds. Let's see what happens here. Flopped trips. I bet them. Is this a mistake? Do I milk people more? I got one guy to the river. Hmm.. Maybe I did misplay this hand. $24.50 now. Yo-Yo night for me so far.
9-3 suited. Have 5 callers. 4 to the diamonds. I am betting it out. Lost. $22.50.
A-10 suited. Is this a raising hand? Lost this one too. Almost made a straight. $21.25.
Pair of 6's.. Set? Nahhhh.. Folding out. 6's and 2's on the board. Someone has a 2! Yup. A-2 wins it. Down to $21.
Someone takes a monster pot with 77 when it flops 227. AK finally holds up for $8. Up to $27.25. It is nice to be on the upswing for the moment. I called the raise to my AK. Should I have re-raised? I was comfortable with calling and then betting out when I made the pair of aces.
Folded A-10 suited when the board is 55J. Trips takes it. 6-7 suited. 4 to a flush and straight. Missed both of course. $24.75. Call .50 on an A-7. Like a bigger kicker if possible. Folded it. $23.75. yuk yuk yuk.
A3 checked into as the BB. Folded on flop. Would have gotten a straight to the 6. Winning hand. But I do not lie runner-runner straights. AK again. Raising it. K on the flop. One bet. I raised it. What the heck! I have the K with the kicker. I bet it to the river. I win! What a surprise. $29.25. Finally a noticable amout ahead. Ok. it is only $4 but I like it. Moved a tad over the $150 mark. See if I can keep it. Futurama has a spoof of Star Trek Vulcan Love episode.
K2 suited. Flop is a rainbow rag. Not going any further with this hand. $28.25.
Q2 played with a 1$ raise before it got to me. Made the flush and the ten bucks. $38.75!
Had trip 2's if I did not fold. Damn! Oh well. Aqua Teen Hunger Force is going off the air. I like that show. I used to hate it.
AA -- Raising it up! I got table moxy now so I am getting people to fold. AA wins $7. I am up to $45.75. Things are on a roll now baby! Rapid Angle always calls me to the river. He is great. If you see him on Empire let me know. Played 4-10s. Beat by the kicker. Tried to fake the flush when the spade came. Nobody bought it. This is good for me. I am going to make money at this table. My 99 just boated up. I paused. Then bet. One guy was too smart, the other one raised me, I raised him and walla $50. I am going to sleep in 12 minutes. I am going to play it slow until then. Fight to the death on futurerama. Fry can either die or get to make love to a crab lady. Ouch.
Gonna play a Q9. I do not usually play this. Maybe I should? Folded to a possible flush. $49.25. Sigh. Q7 suited. I love the flush draws. Called a raise. A and some rags. Good time to fold. $48.25. So much for low aggression. Have the low end of QJ10K flop. Damn. Someone MUST have an Ace. I fold. Someone does. $46. J-10. Playing alot of hands for low aggression. Two pair loses to a straight. Had 4 to a flush on that too. Screw me! Down to $43. I should bail. I have 4 minutes to lose some more though. Some people do not realise you should fold AQ when it makes nothing. Oh well. It cost that guy 5 bucks to see he lost to someones jacks. 94 sooted. I know I suck. I had to fold them when the wrong suit rears its ugly head. All diamonds. Pair of sixes again. This could be a good last hand. cmon. Let me check. Damn! Have to fold. $42. Did not make it anyway. KK wins it. Ok last hand. Bad hand. 24 diamonds. Ok. Leaving with $40. Up $15 for the session and a $9 win from 10/1 tourney. $161.50 total. Not too bad. Almost back up to my buyin.
BTW - I went to Blogshares and now lay claim to my blog!

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