Land of the Omatards

** NOTE: All money went in on the flop. He bet. I raised. He re-raised. I jammed all in. Also please note how much poker hates me as not one but two of the cards he needed came out. Now poker did not have to kick me in the balls then mash them into the ground when I was down but that is how poker and I get along.
SO I have ventured into the lands of the PLO Omatards. It is a fun land. I can play 75% of my hands pre-flop and not be too too far off. Ok.. I should fold a little more. However the Omatards can get even luckier than the NLHolEs.. Yes my friends as you can see my 80% type hands still do not hold up. Instead of the retards having just 9 outs to a flush.. or 4 outs to a boat.. they tend to possibly have more outs. These fuckers never fold and I want them to never fold. I want to ass rape them bad.
I have had some mixed results and really mixed play.. I have played horribly and won like tonight when I sorta knew the guy had AA.. but called with KK anyway because fuck I was getting 3:1 on my money and he at best was 60% fav in the hand.. especially against two of us.. I ended up having my ten spike trips for the win. Sweet.
I have played some excellent Omaha too.. and as you can see from the above result which was like the 5th hand I played on the table.. sometimes perfect is not enough..
I am coming to terms with poker these days.. a little step back and some perspective have been wonderful.
There are a bunch of myths about poker and the least of which is not that if you are skilled you will win. Just because you are better than the other retards at the table does not guarantee you will win. If you think that it does you should just quit right now. There are two outcomes in any poker hand: You win or you lose. Profound, huh? It is really a simple game and once you realize that you can stop taking it so seriously and have fun with it instead.
I wish someone smart would expound on the effect rat-holeing has on online poker. I mean if most of your table is going to double up and leave then is your edge over time removed? As soon as he sucks out on you and leaves you have lost your chance to get your money back from him.. Now we all know that there are 100 retards to replace the one who stole your money and ran but I wonder what kind of effect it has on the game..
Why am I rambling about poker in such a prophetic way.. I am fucking bored what do you think? Jesus. Grow up fuckers. See you at the tables.
I sorta knew the guy had AA.. but called with KK anyway
If you're talking pre-flop, this isn't a mistake. It's a mistake to fold KK...
Just because you are better than the other retards at the table does not guarantee you will win.
It does guarantee you'll win, but maybe not in your lifetime. It's well withing the land of statistical probability that even great players can hit downswings of over 2000 table hours. Although these types of downswings generally mean that you're a terrible player.
mean if most of your table is going to double up and leave then is your edge over time removed?
Not as long as you're getting your money in as a favourite.
As soon as he sucks out on you and leaves you have lost your chance to get your money back from him...
It's not your money anymore and if you think that way, you'll end up tilting yourself in an effort to get it back. And if said player leaves the game, you'll end up trying to take it out on the other players, who'll just sit back and stack you...then leave.
6:08 AM
I think any rat-holing phenomenon is probably counter-balanced by people chasing losses.
7:29 AM
Btw this guy only needed to catch that King on the turn to have you beat -- the 9 on the river in your screenshot did not play as part of his Kings full of 9s hand. So this was not actually a runner-runner situation against you.
7:58 AM
If you can put someone on AA, always flat call preflop if their stack is large enough to hit a set (two pair hands like 8899 or even KK44 are great for implied odds).
And never rathole, Jesus will hate you and have a cat cut your taint.
8:29 AM
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