Thursday, November 08, 2007

My Optinion

From Kaja the A8 is Great but it was S000ted Donkey of the day:

I read over at Res Ipsa Poker about a fun post on 2+2 where Jimmy "gobboboy" Fricke tried to get FTP to sponsor him for the Aussie Millions. He got some "no solicitation" response e-mail, but when he scrolled down he found a note from Howard:

"From: Howard Lederer
Sent: Sat 11/3/2007 7:21 PM
To: Robert H. Wolf; Ray Bitar
Cc: Jason Newitt
Subject: RE: Aussie Millions. (KMM4237266I19928L0KM)

The guy's a freak and a very weird dude. He is also quite young. I think we should stay away.


My new email address is My "" address will not work soon. Please update my contact info accordingly. Thanks."

My opinion on the whole thing.

A. Gobbobobo is a fucking freak. Have you seen that guy? No? LOOK ABOVE! He looks either like a gay fucking Mrs. Doubtfire or that retarded guy on the Goonies. I mean fuck I expect him to say at any minute "hehuhehhuh yeah, my name is jimmy, yeah, I like poker". Weird man.

B. He is young. For christ sakes. I have underwear older than he is.. Fuck I have cum stains on my underwear that is older than he is.

C. Howard sent an internal memo stating why he did not think Gobobobobo was a good spokes person from a business standpoint. It is valid. What did he do wrong.

Anyhow.. it is a shame that the letter got to Gobobobobobo although I highly doubt it hurt his feelings in the least bit. I actually think Goboboboboobo is probably a pretty cool guy and all joking aside the fact he posted the email shows he has confidence in himself and does not care what Howard thinks. Howard made a business decision and probably a good one. It was not like he was on Letterman and saying "Ya, that Goboboboboblo is a fucking freak!".. he was expressing his opinion internally. I just do not feel that outraged by the whole thing. Amused yes. Outraged. Nah.


Blogger jusdealem said...

Howard called someone weird and freakish??? Umm, he and Annie aren't exactly the perfect picture of sanity, themselves....

11:40 AM

Blogger PokahDave said...

LOL....I just snorted out loud....too fucking funny....

12:08 PM

Blogger RaisingCayne said...

Yeah, this makes me like FullTilt and Howard even more! That Fricke kid looks like a freak! It makes perfect sense not to choose him as a spokesperson. I don't care how good he may be, I wouldn't let him advertise for my closet space! Bummer a smart business decision got un-internalized as it has... 'cause in my opinion, they do NOT deserve ANY bad press.

12:26 PM

Blogger Chad C said...

HOLY CRAP, I AGREE WITH WAFFLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That kid is a freak and should never be the face of any corporation. Unless that corporation is in the "child molesting" industry, that's the only place he would fit in as a spokesperson......

12:54 PM

Blogger smokkee said...

how much did he cash for 2nd in the Aussie Millions? like 800k?

cry me a river

12:54 PM

Blogger Littleacornman said...

Hehehehe,quality post

1:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freak, huh ... that sort of commentary never sits too well with me, personally.

Nice fuck up by FT.

4:15 AM

Blogger TraumaPoker said...

Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones buddy! HAHA I never said I was going either just looking for someone possibly interested in chopping hotel then I may make a decision, I was just out in Vegas earlier this week not sure I want to go back out next month.

12:07 PM

Blogger lightning36 said...

This is a picture from your wedding reception? Congrats to the happy couple.

2:46 PM


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