Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Maniac Style

Ok. Fighting against aggressive people is sometimes a bad thing. I played with the Bloggers tonight, and after the table broke up a guy comes on and goes all in with things like 96o, 68o, etc.. I mean a real jackass. So everyone obviously wants to bust him but nobody is calling. I finally get a bit tired of it and call him with 99. I get 2 callers after me which sucks! The flop is all low cards! My 99 was good.. except the maniac had 53o and hit his 5 and his 3. On the flop. It kind of hurts when you make the right call and lose. I know 99 is kind of a weak play. However in my defence I thought everyone else was going to fold after me like they had the hundred times past. If I knew I was going to get multiple callers I would have folded. My hand ended up beating 3 of 4 players, but not the one I wanted to beat. Oh well. What can you do? Probably should just have left the table with my $81 instead of my eventual $37. Sucks.


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