Sir South Park
Apparently I read April’s Blog for good reason.
Presenting SirSouthPark

Here is how this whole South Park thing started:
SirFWALGMan: im gonna get in so much trouble
April: lol
April: why?
SirFWALGMan: just wondering, I tried learning some German for a hot chick. Easiest language.
SirFWALGMan: I cant make SP charectors at WORK!
April: lol
April: but it's your birthday
April: LMAO
I guess that Black Crow of impending doom is good for something or other. At least she listens to my stories:
[23:48] SirFWALGMan: wanna hear my night
[23:49] April: of course
[23:49] SirFWALGMan: I spent 6 hours trying to get home
[23:49] April: why?
[23:49] SirFWALGMan: Ok.. So my left Winshield Blade is a little loose or broken.. for a few weeks..
[23:49] SirFWALGMan: so Im going to work today, and it flies off totally. No Big deal, right?
[23:49] SirFWALGMan: So it starts snowing in the afternoon after being 52 this morning.
[23:50] April: wow
[23:50] April: i thought we had weather changes
[23:50] SirFWALGMan: Ok, So I go to the Gas Station to get a new blade.
[23:50] SirFWALGMan: So I try and put it on and cant figure it out. I do software. Not hardware.
[23:50] April: lol
[23:50] SirFWALGMan: So I decide to try and drive home.
[23:50] SirFWALGMan: Half way there I cannot see.
[23:51] SirFWALGMan: So I pull over and call AAA
[23:51] SirFWALGMan: and I wait
[23:51] SirFWALGMan: for two hours
[23:51] SirFWALGMan: until I am tired of waiting
[23:51] SirFWALGMan: and almost getting killed by maniac cars
[23:51] SirFWALGMan: So I drive to the next exit somehow and pull off in a Barnes and Nobel
[23:51] SirFWALGMan: I ask the guy when the store closes
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: 11PM
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: ok, SO I call AAA again. Oh, we missed you.
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: Thanks.
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: Are you warm? Why yes thank you.
[23:52] April: lolo
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: Ok, When does the store close.
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: 11:00
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: Ok. We will be there by then
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: ummmm.. ok
[23:52] SirFWALGMan: So I read some X-men comics and 10:00 rolls around
[23:53] SirFWALGMan: Sorry Sir we are closing
[23:53] SirFWALGMan: ummm.. but the doofus at the counter said 11.
[23:53] SirFWALGMan: Sorry Sir we are closing
[23:53] April: omg you are so my husband
[23:53] SirFWALGMan: So they kick me out into a blizzard
[23:53] SirFWALGMan: I go to start my car
[23:53] SirFWALGMan: and the battery is dead
[23:53] April: did you get Starbucks at least?
[23:53] April: OMG
[23:53] SirFWALGMan: I hate coffee
[23:53] April: hot chocolate?
[23:54] SirFWALGMan: So I sit in my care shivering for 10 minutes until the tow truck comes
[23:54] April: awwww....poor baby
[23:54] SirFWALGMan: He gets the Battery thing fixed. I have heat now.
[23:54] SirFWALGMan: Aewsome.
[23:54] SirFWALGMan: He can not fix the windshield whiper
[23:54] April: LOL
[23:54] SirFWALGMan: He says "Why dont you just drive home, keep your heater on high, and you will be fine"
[23:54] SirFWALGMan: So I am driving home. AAA calls me.
[23:55] SirFWALGMan: Did he tow you?
[23:55] SirFWALGMan: No, he never asked
[23:55] SirFWALGMan: Instead he wanted me to risk my life driving home in a blizzard with no windhield wiper, but thanks for asking.
[23:55] April: lol
[23:55] SirFWALGMan: So I finally get home
[23:56] SirFWALGMan: Wife, "What the hell!!! I can not beleive you did this!! The kids wanted to have cake with you!!!"
[23:56] SirFWALGMan: And you wonder why I play so much poker..
[23:57] April: awwwww
[23:57] April: i'm sorry baby
[23:58] SirFWALGMan: "Happy Birthday!"
Oh and the Poker Park of Online Poker Thoughts. I broke my rule again tonight. Doh! I did win. My AA vs HIS QQ! Maggot! So that was cool. I also placed 2nd in an SNG. Was fun. So ended up $21 for the night. Getting rich now!
That sucks dude, sorry that happened to you. The story was funny though, so I guess it's not all bad :)
5:55 AM
Hey man,
Happy birthday!
How was the cake? :)
8:47 AM
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