Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Like Do you Like these?

No Manly content whatsoever.. this one is for the fashion mavens like Carmen. So I wanted to pretty myself up for work yet stay comfortable so I went and got a haircut, new razor and then decided to get some shoes.

Now the shoes I have now are pretty comfy. They are Memphisto's and when I bought them I thought they cost WAYYYY too much.. as they dug into my heels I started to hate them even more. I mean cmon. I do not mind spending a bit on shoes but at least make them comfy. So finally I broke them in and now they are soft and lovely and I enjoy them a lot.

So the shoes are nice and I like them and all but I wanted something a little more casual and comfortable. I was looking around and I was like "These boots are expeeeensssivveee" but then I was like yourrrr soooooo worth it boyyyyyfriend.. so I decided to go ahead and buy some boots for myself. I settled on a pair of Wolverine mid-height boots. They seem comfortable but I have to get used to the higher neck since I have been wearing sneakers for the past two years for work.

So what do you think? Too Brown? Do they match my hair?


Blogger jjok said...

you just called your shoes lovely.

You gheywad

6:30 PM

Blogger katitude said...

Dear Waffles;

I lvoe youd early, so it's with the utmost affection that I say this.

STFU about shoes. STFU about all the rest of the drivel and talk (rant) about poker. It's what you do, and like with Iggy at Pokerworks vs. G&P, until you return to what you do best my universe is slightly off-kilter.

I don't function well in an off-kilter universe. So get back to it man!

8:56 PM

Blogger katitude said...

Note to self:


8:57 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Blogging about shoes makes the guys from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy take notice.

You are now under suspicion.

5:36 AM

Blogger Jordan said...

I don't know what is worse: a blog post about shoes, or the fact that they are three words, Hid E Ous!

6:51 AM

Blogger CC said...

I'm good with both pairs, although it would have been better to get input prior to purchase. I have Ecco's that I absolutely swear by, never leave my feet. I also have some Timberlands similar to your boots. I don't think you'll wear these as often as you think (or if you do, it won't look too good), at least not at work.

8:00 AM

Blogger Irongirl01 said...

First Poodles now shoes... Next you'll be dressing up like a tranny trying to join me in the Ladies tourney at Foxwoods.

Just dont take my chips..

Hope Day 1 at the new job went well.


PS Im a tree hugger swear by my birkies

11:20 AM

Blogger smokkee said...

hey wawfuls,

some donkey thew up on your blog.

2:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

A shoe post? Next you'll be giving us advice about how to keep your thong panties out of your ass crack.

5:05 PM

Blogger slb159 said...

I'm surprised no one from the West coast made fun of you for using the term, "sneakers".

Apparently, that word is outlawed there.

10:20 PM

Blogger CarmenSinCity said...

I can't believe I missed this post yesterday. I am such a tard.

Your so cute though - nice talking to you from the IP the other day.

Even better that I remember the conversation this time!

4:24 PM


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