Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ass Sucking Faggot Riggs

Jesus Christ was a fucking pansy. He fucking goes rah rah rah and says "Hey, Everyone join DailBurn". The asshole then does not even login enough to confirm me as his motivator. Fucking lard ass motherfucker is probably sitting in the couch, masturbating, with a tub of Ben and Jerry's Fat Fuck Monkey in the other hand. Stupid fucktard exercised by farting off his bean burrito burger. Dumb motherfucker.

I decided to start putting in my nutritional habits today. I wanted to see why I seem to eat very little but have a big tummy. Today I had a slightly worst lunch than usual. Onion Rings, Whopper Jr, Chocolate Milk Shake, Coke, McDonald's Lemonade, Hungry Man TV Dinner.

The total for the day was 1695 Calories, 44g Protein, 50g Fat, 277g Carbs.
The goal that this thing automatically made for me was 1900-2100 Calories, 150-200g Protein, 45-60g Fat, and 170-220g Carbs.

So it seems like I take in too many Carbs and not enough proteins so far. It also suggested I drink eight glasses of water per day. Does Lemonade count as one? No idea.

I walked 1/2 mile trying to test my toe and see what I can handle. Much less pain today. It ached a little right at the end of the walk then I was fine. No extra pain tonight. SO I am happy about that. Will work it up to 1 mile after a few more test runs. The site says I burned 42 calories in my walk. So I guess I am getting in 82 calorie burn every day. I will add some other things in a couple of weeks.


Blogger Schaubs said...

Lemonade does not count.
Drink water you fag.
Riggs, Riggs, Riggs... Waffles needs you.
Is this a weight loss blog now?

7:34 AM

Blogger DuggleBogey said...

How much Coke? If you drank the normal mcdonalds size you're getting over 400 calories, more than the whopper jr.

9:46 AM

Blogger Riggstad said...

Truly an oversight! That and the fact that i just got back from Vacation where the wireless signal at the beach house is about as worthless as tits on a flag pole!

you are now a mentor!

7:17 PM

Blogger Alan aka RecessRampage said...

That is a lot of protein... are you planning on lifting weights?

10:58 AM


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