Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Really Fucking Hate to Do This

So Blinders wrote a post ripping Hoyazo a new asshole. I just totally disagree with every conclusion Blinders comes to. I really hate to say that because I do think Hoyazo is an arrogant fuck albeit a good guy and I would love to crush his spirits with a controversy but I just do not get it.

The first complaint he has is that Hoyazo played under an alias. This is totally untrue. Sure his name on Bodog was not Hoyazo but is there any reason you need to sign up to a new site using the old name? It is not like he has two accounts on Bodog. Fuck my screen name on Bodog is not SirFWALGMan primarily because I wanted a break from the notoriety that comes from being a Z-Lister like myself. He has no obligation to out himself. If he decides he wants to that is fine. I know a dozen or more people who have alternate Bodog names. Do I think they are cheaters? Of course not. Would I have an advantage if I knew it was Hoyazo sure but if I can not play POKER against someone then fuck me not him. If you can not adjust to his lagtard fucked up style of play then that is your fault not his. Any retard can stack his ass if they pay enough attention. So grow up and learn to play the game.

The second complaint was that Hoyazo changed the format of his game in the TOC to benefit himself. Is Hoyazo a 6-max specialist? I never really considered him one. Most of the MTT play he is involved in nightly is full ring.. all of those retarded screens shots of him calling off his stack with A3o seemed to have nine people in them.

He also incorrectly says that none of the formats of the games were changed. Now while I agree Hoyazo made the most drastic change there was one other so called scumbag who changed the format of his game.. the scummy.. MOOOKIE. Yes folks I am breaking the news here. That "scumbag" as blinders put it altered his format not just once but TWICE. First off he changed the starting stack size in order to benefit his old ass. He was so tired when it was deep stacks that the nursing home staff had to wake him up so he could bust out in 45th place. If you do not think this significantly changes the texture of the game you are a fucktard. Secondly he made one game a month a KNOCKOUT. Now this may not seem like a big change. However to us guys that have people gunning for them every night this is a HUGE change. Not only can the brokeback donkeys get a laugh at busting Waffles BUT they can get paid CASH MONEY to do so. This is by far the greatest format change in the whole TOC.

One last point on this format change stuff. One guy who had FAR more power than Hoyazo. Do you know who I am talking about? If someone should be called a scumbag it is for sure this guy. CHOAD. Here is a guy who was given the keys of heaven for the TOC. He could choose whatever game he wanted week after week. He could tailor these games to his strengths if he wanted to. Obviously he has no strengths against bloggers because his results were dismal but the power was there. Every week it was utilized. So you really can not say that Hoyazo did anything different by changing his format to 6-MAX.

The final point here is that Blinders claims that there was a stipulation that your blog had to be live for 3 months minimum. Now I will fully agree that Hoyazo broke this rule but who the fuck knew about this? I played several games and I believe there were some non-bloggers in these games. I never once noticed anywhere that there was some limitation on length of life of your blog you had to meet. I fully realize that Blinders may be a little more anal than me and tracked this shit down but seriously who knew? Did you know? I sure as hell did not. I also do not remember anyone asking me about my blog. I mean remember I was playing under another name on Bodog and nobody knew I was Waffles initially and they did not stop me from registering or ask me what my blog name was. I really can not fault Hoyazo here.

I personally think Blinders is way out of line here and owes Hoyazo a big apology. I am also equally sure that this is not going to happen but who knows. I am very interested in what other people think about this. I personally for the reasons above do not think he did anything unethical. I was far more upset about him buying a seat to the TOC until I realized that I wanted more dead money in the event. Look forward to hearing your opinions. Have a nice day.

One other note: I do agree with Smokkee that it is pretty lame to play in the Bodog events and call the site Blowdog and say you hate it.


Blogger Mike Maloney said...

FYI, I think the three months thing might be in order to play in the TOC. Not positive at all, just a thought.

12:04 PM

Blogger KajaPoker said...

who cares?

12:20 PM

Blogger Matt said...

I didn't read the fake blog, but if was used it to slam other bloggers like Blinders suggested, then that's pretty weak. Hoy claims on his blog that he ixnayed it once it got out of control but I never read it so I don't know the truth behind that.

Other than that, I pretty much agree with you on this. I can understand being bothered by this, but to suggest Hoy cheated or was unethical is a bit over the line. I don't really know Blinders well or have even talked to him, but as a subscriber to his blog, this seems to be another in a long line of anti-Hoy posts, so I weigh it accordingly.

12:35 PM

Blogger SirFWALGMan said...

I totally again agree with anyone who says:

A. Hoyazo is a fucking tool for shitting on bloggers in his fake blog.

B. Hoyazo is a dumbass for flamming Bodog and then playing there in secret.

C. Hoyazo is a loser for lieing on his blog to slam other bloggers.

So basically most of what Smokkee said I agree with. However blinders saying he cheated in all these ways I just do not see it.

1:04 PM

Blogger Weak Player said...

I am not getting involved in this one, but I do want to say two things:

1.) Right or wrong, you are funny as hell, Waffles.

2.) FWIW, I was invited to play the Bodog even though I had not posted in a year. Take that however you want.

1:22 PM

Blogger Wwonka said...

Lets just be clear. Hoyazo changed the structure and Game of his tourney in the MIDDLE OF THE BBT2

Mookie changed his tourneys before the start of the BBT3.

I was one of the Vocal people who took ISSUE With that fact that changing structure during the BBT2 was not fair but Hoy said it was his tourney and he could do as he pleased EVEN though we were in the Middle of the BBT2.

so Please do not compare Mookie to Hoyazo.

the Donkey Show.

7:36 AM

Blogger Riggstad said...

Cheating, no.. unethical, I guess some could see it that way..
Ghey? Way Ghey! Gheyer than the actual scene in broke back mountain when they had Ghey Sex...

But here is the thing, and the only thing that really bothers me.

Whoever wrote the posts really shit on Smokkee a lot. I thought at the time it was funny.

The question of him writing the posts himself and lying about someonelse doing it is a tough one.

I can't see that being the case. I would think Hoy has enough character to tell the truth about it, even if he is a lawyer.

But if it was meant to be funny, why not a personal email to smoke about it before all of it got out?

ah, who cares? I'm on vacation :)

7:50 AM

Blogger TripJax said...

I am Poker Champ.

8:15 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Trip wins.

12:07 PM

Blogger Bayne_S said...

Al changed riverchasers to alternate mixed games with ds NLHE and chose game bi-weekly and MiamiDon changed the blind structure of the Big Game once.

Why dot complete the sweep and go after all the hosts?

12:29 PM

Blogger Loretta8 said...

wow, :heart: drama bombs

6:02 PM

Blogger Joaquin "The Rooster" Ochoa said...

Trip Wins

9:36 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I will go ahead and reply late here. Bottom line is that Hoy never defended himself against what I said. This tells me I basically nailed it. No way someone rips me like I did hoy, and I sit back and just take it if I am innocent. He was probably just being a tool and not unethical, but it would be nice if he actually admitted what he did, and not make up the BS about others being involved.

9:08 PM


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