Heeeeesssss Baaaackkkkkkkk
stupid fucking whore bag motherfucking idiot scumbag motherfuckerstupidassholemorons
Watch Waffles life after the Ex, will he die of masturbation, some crazy date, or alcohol poisoning with the marines
stupid fucking whore bag motherfucking idiot scumbag motherfuckerstupidassholemorons
My wife came to me last week and complained that our water bill was large. She said it was because the toilet had been running. Somehow I was supposed to magically know this was going on so it was my fault. The other day she calls down and says that the toilet is running again and I need to fix it. Now any of you who have read this blog probably realize this is a mistake.
Check out this Gender Analyzing tool for your website.
Check out this new site. My son has decided to share his writing with the world. He of course needs thousands of readers being the attention hound he is. I wonder where he gets that from. So be sure to add him to your Bloglines or Google reader and drop him a nice comment every once in a while. Who knows maybe he will be the next Dr. Pauly? Oh fuck what have I started!
I had a really good time being the target in the Bodonkey. It really was not much different then every other day where everyone is trying to knock off Waffles but at least this had a little extra on top. Before the game I was telling Bayne I would be surprised if I did not have 12K chips going into the first break. I was not very far off in my estimation.
T$109 Bounty on me Tonight @ 9:05pm ET
I think I am playing too much poker lately. Sure I am winning a ton. However I can feel the old angry feelings. Like last night in the blogger game. I mean what kind of retarded are you people? It is like they took a bunch of retards on a bus and let them loose in the zoo and the retards gang raped some chimpanzees and the result of this union is the bloggers I played in last night Bodonkey.
yeah yeah, your a big bright shooting starrrrr enjoy your failure tonight -- Skiddoo
... I have mastered Stud-8.
I had a really good night in Stud-8 last night. I owned the Emptyman. Haha. Not really. He is too tight to get much out of. After starting out a little slow I ended up on a rush and won three of my buyins. I bought in short at the 5/10 table because I am not bankrolled for the game. I did want to take a shot though. Nice little influx of three hundred into the account was nice.
I had a horrible night last night. Probably deserved it. Goddamn. First I blow a buyin at S8 against the worst players known to man. I then get most of my stack in against some fucking tard who can not let AQ go and turns an Ace which for all they know could have been totally dominated to all hell in the Blowdonkey. Finally I get frustrated and kill myself in the 90-peep I was in.
So I played and won the Bodog. I told you all I would. To be honest I had a few good suckouts. First I tea bagged LJ. I raised with 67 uns000ted connector. The flop comes two hearts. I have been studying LJ play so I go with aggro and get it all in with my OESD. She of course is the MASTAH of LJ foo so she has a better draw with the nut heart flush and Ace high being the best hand. Four black on the river and she is on the rail.
Nothing really happening. The WoW Expansion comes out on Thursday. My Rogue is level 69 so the push to get him to seventy is happening. I have to say I am sorta enjoying PvP with this character. Much more so than I ever did with my Mage. I will probably roll a Death Knight as the buzz about the awesomeness of the starting zone is pretty good.
From my recent perusal of P5 and 2+2 for whatever scandal/outrage to the poker world is happening now I have come up with the conclusion that people who use forums either are...
Full Tilt Poker prohibits the use of external player assistance programs (EPA Programs) which are designed to provide users with an unfair advantage over their opponents. Full Tilt Poker defines external to mean computer software (other than the Full Tilt Poker game client), and non-software-based databases or profiles (e.g., web sites and subscription services). Full Tilt Poker defines an unfair advantage as a user accessing or compiling information on other players beyond that which the user has personally observed through his or her own game play.
Buy-in: $10 + $1
First off if you want to cringe check out the top ten castration movies. Complete with NSFW movie at the end.
My son is having trouble with this one kid in school. So kids take sides and he was feeling a little down and like everyone hated him. So I decided to share with him and let him know that everyone in my school hated me too. He turns to me and says "Looser!". Kids.
Just to make it clear. I am not perfect. Last night I fell into some bad routines and called a person a moron. Now to be fair to myself he was a moron. Called a capped pre-flop and capped flop with no draws. Pair of jacks. With a queen on the board. Erm. Nice Runner Flush moron.
Hopefully she does not have a beard. However welcome to BamBam's new friend the Goatlady. She seems like a nice person. Should be a fun read.
I will be playing the Brit Bloggerment today at 4. Awesome extra prize goodness added by AlCantHang in the form of an FTOPS Entry. Go read about the event at Poker on the Rails.