12yr Olds Not Allowed

Mingle2 - Online Dating
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Watch Waffles life after the Ex, will he die of masturbation, some crazy date, or alcohol poisoning with the marines
Mingle2 - Online Dating
Hoy and I played a hand. He had 55. I had AK s000ted diamonds. I raised half my stack(pot). He jammed. I called. I made a flush draw on the turn. He won. He said he wanted to go to bed. I was fine with both our plays. He knew I was not folding. He is smarter than that. He either wanted to gamble or go to bed or whatever. I do not think he actually jams there normally but it is an ok move. I went out in 7th or something.. I dunno. I play that hand the same way every time. I am fine with his push and my call. I win the hand and I have the chip lead. He wins and he does. It was a nice poker hand. Poker is all about made hands vs draws and getting in at a 2% disadvantage is nothing to be ashamed of nor is re-raising all in with a 2% advantage. Good game Hoyazo.
DDionysus AKA PokahDave was the capper on a fucking horrendous night that saw me playing and trapping people for all of their chips multiple times only to lose.
It is a marathon.. I hope to return to poker tonight in the MoooooooooooooooooooK!
I skipped the Hoyazo last night in order to let my son stay up late and watch Holes. The Wicked Wife of the West would not let him stay up and watch it alone so I sacrificed my standings in the BPT to let the kid watch a movie. Ah well. I guess I am getting soft in my old age. I will be at the Mookie on Wednesday. Been playing a lot more cash games lately. I have no idea why. I guess I am getting somewhat tired of SNGs. Cashed in another MTT. Still no big score but I think if I keep playing it will come. It is hard to play these MTTs during the weekday because unlike some people I actually have to get up in the morning and be somewhat functional at work. Although I really think I need to play every night to have a chance at a good score. Unless I do not mind waiting a year for it to happen which might be alright. Oh well.
I want to congratulate Chad on his successful frontal lobotomy. His short term memory has been totally erased or he just does not know what "I am not talking to you" means.. Possibly he is just stupid. I dunno. I guess he just can not resist me in some gay obsessed homo way that is.. While we are on the subject and I know he does not owe anyone an answer.. but why is he going to be a pussy and not play the ME? He won a seat. He is not playing. I thought he won a ton of money playing poker.. oh well..
Waffles, I am no longer speaking to you after this. You are a waste of flesh in my opinion, and a worthless poker player. I have no need or desire to talk with you about poker because you are a bad player who has nothing to offer to a conversation about poker. You and Carmen are perfect buddies, both worthless cunts in my opinion. I will still read your blog though because I take pleasure in your constant losing ways......
Holy fuck is that a donkfest. I had a decent time. I got pocket pairs 5 times in the first half hour.. nice ones like Jacks, Queens, Tens, and Kings and ok a baby pair of sevens.. EVERY SINGLE TIME I WAS AGAINST BIGGER PAIRS. Holy fuck was poker out to get me last night. So after losing a bunch on these hands and sucking out once jacks vs kings on a T84 board.. I was down to a chip and a chair.. ok, well, 400 chips.. Normally I like giving up here because man was I fuming.
Ahh yes the battle with Chad continues on.. where was I hmm.. Let's see oh yeah.. I was on the money bubble of the 26K MTT that he went out in 441st place in and he pops his little squirrelly head in. Starts berating and raging on me saying how he can not wait to see me go out. So let me get this straight. You are such a great poker player. You have so much confidence in your game that you have to come and rail a, in your words, "5$ SNG player"..
I had a fun time doing the BuddyDonk show on WGHEY last night. Those guys are pretty funny. I think we all kind of petered off towards the end of the night as exhaustion fell. I had a totally unremarkable night besides that. I broke even for the night with an extra 26-token to my name and the Mookie all paid for.
This is just sad. While I think that biker is arrogant, and even if he was legally correct he probably should have just listened to the officer THERE IS NO WAY THAT LEVEL OF BRUTALITY IS WARRANTED. Just really sad.
When you go deep and come really close the next day is always bitter sweet. You can really fuck with yourself trying to second guess the hand that took you out. I think in hindesite the hand could be played either way. You could fold and hope to catch a good hand later AND hope it holds up.. you could wait and try to steal Chads blind (probably dangerous).. or you could go with your read and take the coinflip to get the chips to go a bit deeper. I really can not fault my play here. If the cards were face up and I have an M of 4ish and see his K7 I make this play. Sure I could have waited and jammed someone from position and possibly this is the right move. Who knows. See analysis is a total mind fuck.
for instance, in the MATH i pick up QQ in the cutoff. blinds are 100/200 and i'm sitting on 4k in chips. NewinNov minraises UTG. this usually screams monster. but, in blonkaments u just never know. i call, BB calls. flop comes Ace high and all hell breaks lose. obv, i fold. Nov had AQsooted and i woulda lost a bunch of chips.
i feel like i'm playing well. maybe a bit on the conservative side sometimes.
Well on the good side I turned fifteen bucks into 230 or so.. on the bad side I went out in 32nd place before the really good money kicked in. A guy tried to steal with K7, raised 8K.. I jammed for my remaining 20K.. he called off half his stack with a shitty hand and my shitty A2 got rivered. The blinds were 2400/1200 with an Ante.. so it was not the worse push ever especially since I thought he was stealing. On the other hand I could have probably waited and jammed on a blind hand and chipped up easier. I dunno. IS there a wrong move with that few chips left?
Carmen has another fashion at the WSOP article. She did not judge the giant orange.. if I was in the WSOP of course I would win best dressed. You fuckers don't know muscles when you see them! Sheesh.
Some rumblings around the I-Net about E=Passport withdrawal issues. I have no comment on this but be aware that withdrawals to US banks have been halted for a day or so due to an undetermined issue. More to come later.
I hate fucking snot nosed brats. 'Nuff said. Your all just lucky I placed 1,1,1,1,2,9 in my SNGs tonight or I would really be mad. I would have taken another first if it was not for Mr. Dreamy's wife.
Haha Just Kidding man! The Mookie has really not been my game this year. Of all of the blogger tourneys the Mookie and Big Game have eluded me this year. Not sure why. Anyhow.. Last night was no different. I really just had terrible luck.. first hand SB vs BB and I have K2 vs Q6.. flop comes KQ6. Hello? I lost a few bucks when it boated on the river and was down to 1100 or so.
So when I had last left you I had a slight slide. Not all was bad as I got to play some poker with a guy I have been waiting years to meet: BAD BLOOD! He was a cool guy and I wish I had spent more time with him. Vegas is funny. If you stay for just a weekend there is no way to do EVERYTHING you want.. So last time I came I socialized and this time I played Poker.. Who knows what is going to happen next time.
I should have known to quit for the day after my third place finish. I mean cmon. The signs were all there.. After a massive suckout I should have known my luck was going to be poor for the day.. but I was there to gamble and have fun. So after we packed it in at the Shitty Orleans we hurried back over to the MGM.
When I last left you I was in cleavage heaven enjoying myself and even winning some money. I woke up early on Saturday actually around 9AM. I think it was because Don had left the AC off. Cheapskate!!!
My trip to Vegas started off pretty poorly. I was supposed to fly out at 8PM and arrive at 11PM Vegas time. I have never liked how the time space continuum warps when you travel across country but that is neither here or there. I get to the terminal and notice several delayed flights. I then find out that T-Storms are covering the country from Canada to Florida and all of the flight paths are closed.
I approach each blogger meeting with high goals and expectations.. Sometimes I go and socialize a lot and other times I just hang out. All depends on how I feel and what opportunities present themselves. So I will be writing up the trip soon. It was a ton of fun but nothing too amazing happened.
I was talking to Bayne yesterday.. getting in his head.. and told him he would be going out 26th in the Mookie. He obliged me by going out 49th. Thanks pal! Never mess with the curse powers of Waffles! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
So last night I am at the end of a 6.60-SNG waiting for the Hoyazo to kick off. I have the perfect setup. I am going to bust Hoy for a bounty. Kill OSU if he does not shoot himself in the foot first. Watch Jeciimd fold to ALMOST the points.
Vegas on Friday. I can not wait. I have been remiss about doing nice things so I figure I will even it out with the Karma gods with some nice pimpage.
I usually expect world class play in a $10 tournament run by people who go to the same bar. I am with, HOW DARE THAT GUY!! -- Chad
Whatever the fuck that mean. I am rolling hot like a balla! I started the MiamiDon or possibly Smokkee bankroll building course. Don convinced me I should spend my last few bucks on 6.60 SNGs. So I told him to fuck off.. signed up for the HORSE MTT cause I need my points.. and then started playing 6.60's. I am 4 of 5 so far 1,1,1,2,x. Not bad! I am fucking rolling. I have had 4 finishes in the top 9 in Blogger events.. Won my Hoy token.. and I am kicking it! I have moved up the BPT chart to seventh.. and the competition is SO tight that 3-7 are basically separated by a points cash. So I could easily shoot up to second. Only down side so far has been Bayne running as hot as me with FOUR final tables! He is just refusing to give it up to the rightful winner of the BPT. Give it up Bayne! I am coming for you! No backers yet but the deals going to be withdrawn soon.. especially if I win a Hoyazo this week! The funniest thing too is I have made some of the worst plays ever this week.